A Prologue to FHM’s MArch 2012 Issue

Hah! It’s the 29th of February! And March is looking like a scorching one huh.

Well, I know I have yet to post my FHM February review (although I am not really tasked to do so) but the March issue has upstaged the wonders of this month’s issue.

You see, we will be having Bela Padilla debuting on the 12th anniversary issue of FHM. And you know that period when you are experiencing some awkwardness because you are slowly becoming an adult? Well, FHM will be a teenager next year. And their 12th anniversary issue has gotten some awkward attention.

People are accusing the cover photo to be racist. Why? a) because cover star Bela Padilla (and all her porcelain-white goodness) is placed alongside some dark-skinned models. b) the tagline of the cover reads “Bela Padilla: Stepping Out of the Shadows. and c) people are just too sensitive.

The cover looks really nice actually. Another bold move for FHM, if you ask me. Very risque.  But then again, you have to sacrifice stuff for conformity’s sake.

I don’t know if it’s  a wise move to pull out the cover and print the magazine with a new cover photo. I mean it could be so as not to offend anyone. or it could not be just because I want FHM to be unapologetic with the decisions they make. Either way, it has garnered a lot of attention worldwide.

I am just hoping that they will release something that is as bold and risque as the first one. And maybe we could hope for people to at least have a better grasp of the issue. And maybe, just maybe, a broader mind.