Child of the Field

Living and growing up in a place where plants and other creatures grow abundantly has its perks. In my case, one of the most enjoyable reward being a ‘child of the field’ has got to be having my own wonderful ecosystem of sorts just around our house.

Insects, grass, fruit-bearing trees, flowering shrubs, more insects, vines, frogs… you name it and our yard most probably has it.

And whenever I have a chance, I take photos of the wonders of nature our front yard possesses just for the sake of taking pictures.

The fact that it is hard to predict what is to be found and what are potential subjects to photograph adds more fun to the experience.

Moving subjects, like tiny insects are harder to photograph. I was lucky to take a photo of a dragonfly. This dragonfly just caught a tinier insect, so its guards are down.

Grasshoppers, on the other hand, are very quick and hard to spot because they tend to use camouflage to hide from their predators.

Plants are easier to work with because working with them gives me the freedom to find better angles and light.

And because it is nature I am working with, it’s not unusual if I see how species interact with one another.

Although I was the one who strategically (and heartlessly) placed that little frog where those ants ‘hangout’, it still shows that nature is about, as Herbert Spencer puts it,  the survival of the fittest. Or the luckiest.

Tinted Photographs (What a Lame Title)

Since we kinda lost our internet connection for about two weeks, I took that tw0-week-with-no-internet break as a chance to sort all of the stuff I have in my computer because they are the main reason why the computer’s so slow.

I also took the opportunity to play around with Adobe Photoshop. I really want to learn everything a person should know about Photoshop just because I consider the mastery of PS as a talent.

So I took some of the photos from my drive, opened PS, experimented with the tools and adjustments and played around with all the Actions I have downloaded beforehand just for the sake of killing time and maybe learning something from trial and error.

I am also posting this because I want to post something and I have nothing else to post . I tried my best to be relevant by writing something about the RH Bill the other time but I failed. I am easily distracted by trivial stuff I stumble upon the internet. I don’t have my copy of FHM May 2011 yet  (and I’m still thinking if I should buy one) so I can’t do my so-called monthly review of the magazine.

And as much as I want to give my photos respective titles, I can’t. I just can’t. I find it too disturbing. HAHAHA. And if you wish to suggest titles for the photographs(GOD bless you if you are reading this), feel free to leave comments, OK?

I would also love to specify the actions and adjustments I applied on each photo but I can’t remember. There are no steps in making random stuff, right?

So here they are.

Yes, that’s a giant spider. The one we usually see atop electric posts – with nylon-like web.

A flower whose name I don’t know.

It’s really fun to take photos of ants at work. Plus they love the camera – and your body if you are not careful.

This fruit’s shape reminds me of something. No, I’m not telling what.

Wala. Macro lang ng gate sa sementeryo.

Oh, it took me forever to edit this. Labor of love. It’s a plant growing from a crack on the wall of a cemetery.

Taken from a moving vehicle. My favorite. I gave myself a pat on the back for this.

aaaaand the dirty finger..